
Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

2011 :')

Several hours left to 2012. As usual, I will write the kaleidoscopes during 2011 and a little bit of my resolution in 2012. So many sweet and bitter things, happy and sad moments passed during 2011. Perhaps this year is the most unexpected year. Maybe 2011 is my year. Because in this year I had to fight for my national exam and test to college.

In January 2011, I went to kebun Raya Cibodas, Bogor with my beloved schoolmates. That place is sooooo wonderful! If I could, I wanna stay there longer.  Unluckily, the weather wasn’t support us for doing some refreshing. But, it wasn’t inhibit us to do some happiness things and took many pictures haha

In March 2011, I followed a scholarship test in ITT Telkom for my alternative but I couldn’t pass it. I didn’t too mind it. Since the first time I felt pessimist because the test including my enemy: physics!
In March also, I went to my dream college with my bestfriend. Yap we had the same dream university but different major. We took many pictures in our own dream faculty and we dreamed how if this place could be our college, our place for study. Hmm dream, that’s just dream :’)

In April 2011, all of third grade senior high school students followed national exam. This is the last time I gathered with my schoolmates in formal time, completely. How I truly miss my senior high school’s time. If people said that senior high school’s time is the greatest time, the most beautiful time, the most wonderful time, that’s true! :’)

In May 2011, announcement national exam’s result! Can you guess? Yeah of course al of third grade student in my school passed it. But in May, there’s the bitterest thing I ever felt. The bitterest thing is when I didn’t pass snmptn undangan and any other test for pmdk. Yeah at that time I had to fight harder for getting my dream college. I also had to change my dream college which is ITB with another college in the same major. Hmm that’s the hardest thing to do, I think. Because that’s my dream since I was in junior high school.
Last day in May, I followed snmptn tulis. That’s the first day. I felt pessimist because the questions is out of my expectation. So many mistakes were found on my answer. Argh, that’s really a black day ever. Gosh!
in May also there's the last moment with my schoolmates, pawidya :')

in may, after try out me and my course friends took some photos

June 2011. snmptn, my birthday and the red letter day. In the first day, that’s the second day of snmptn tulis. I just could pray more at that time. 10th is my birthday! \^^/ my prayer was come true in the last day of June :’)
Last day in June, the best moment I ever felt! The sweetest moment is when I passed snmptn tulis. You must believe that in every cloud has a silver lining! It happened to me. I failed in snmptn undangan but God has another best plan, I passed snmptn tulis in a college I want. My mother burst into tears at that time. Thanks God, finally I saw the best smiles from my parents :’)

July 2011, i got this from my parents as a snmptn present :D

August 2011, first time to college, mabim, and other exhausting activities. Pfffft. Wait waiiiit, thanks God I found them :’)

September-October 2011, the final report of practicum and mabim’s task made me busy and forgot the time. Imagine, three months felt like 1 week. Oh my God.. they really diverted my life o.0 but in this month, all of pharmacy student passed mabim, yaaaay! 

Ah ya, in this month also i joined as staff for PRAMA

November 2011, OOTRAD at unpad dipati ukur \^^/

December 2011, I followed final exam. It left panda’s eyes on me since I had to study until dawn. I wish I can get the best result from my first final exam in college. Aamiin >.<
and I met again my schoolmaaates

yaa must more grateful, this year better than 2010 :') hope next year will much better than this year

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Kisah Seorang Kakek dan Dagangannya

Salah satu temanku posting mengenai hal ini di group facebook. Di kampusku tercinta, di Jatinangor, ada seorang kakek tua yang sering berjualan keliling kampus. Aku pun sering melihatnya di fakultasku. Kasihan memang, melihat seorang kakek yang sudah tua dan renta menyodorkan barang dagangannya ke mahasiswa di sana. Setiap ada kumpul angkatan, pasti ada kakek itu menawarkan barang dagangannya dengan suara yang pelan dan nyaris tak terdengar. Terkadang aku tak tega melihatnya berjualan keliling kampus yang super luas hemm inilah kerasnya hidup.
cerita lebih lanjut>>

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

read this

Sebuah Cerita Tentang Kuliah

Lama nih ga nulis, sibuk kuliah dan tugas, belum lagi waktu pas masa-masa ospek dulu *derita mahasiswa tingkat awal*
setelah kurang lebih 5 bulan menggeluti carut marut kehidupan kampus, aku merasa semuanya jauh sangat berbeda dengan kehidupan putih-abu. salah, jika anda mengira kuliah itu sesantai yang ditayangkan di ftv-ftv stasiun tv swasta. bisa haha-hihi kapan aja, bisa pulang kapan aja, bisa nongkrong kapan aja, banyak waktu kosong dan sebagainya. *kalau jadwal kuliah nyantei apa engga sih itu gimana fakultasnya*. Berhubung aku berada di fakultas yang tingkat kesibukan dan kepadatan jadwalnya tinggi jadi ya ga ngerasain hal itu.

Kuliah. hm kuliah..
ekspektasinya sih ya itu tadi yg kaya di ftv-ftv. Tapi....
kuliah itu ga sempet belajar di rumah
kuliah itu ga sempet main
kuliah itu bikin jurnal terus
kuliah itu bikin lapak terus
kuliah itu bikin ngebatin terus
kuliah itu ga tidur
kuliah itu tidur waktu dosen nerangin
kuliah itu deg-degan takut sebelumnya ada kuis
kuliah itu utsnya suram
kuliah itu bikin jajan terus
kuliah itu ngecengin senior

Belum lagi waktu masuk ke masa-masa jenuh. Rasanya males ngerjain apa-apa. Bawaannya pengen tidur mulu lah, main lah, dsb. Dan.. yang lebih saya rasakan adalah individualisme. Setiap orang berlomba-lomba untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka mau dengan caranya sendiri. Mau ada temen yang ketinggalan kek, apa kek, ini kek, itu kek, ga peduli yang penting tercapai. Tapi hal itu ga terlalu mencolok sih di fakultas saya karena waktu mabim diajarkan untuk peduli *walaupun hanya terasa pada masa itu*

Ada lagi, berjam-jam di lab menjadi hal yang biasa sekarang. Bahkan nanti mungkin ada yang nyampe seharian. Jadi, ini belum seberapa. Masih banyak hal yang lebih berat di depan sana yang mau tak mau harus dihadapi.

Tapi, di lain sisi aku punya pewarna baru yang bikin semangat waktu lagi males, bikin senyum waktu lagi sedih, dan siap membantu kalau ada kesulitan,

Agak aneh memang tulisan kali ini, tidak terstruktur. Ya ini efek nulis di tengah mengerjakan tugas #alibi. *lanjut mengerjakan tugas*